That’s a wrap for TEST SITE Walking Tours. The last tour took place on Saturday and we want to thank all the speakers and attendees who took part. The walks included local heritage, herbalism, archaeology, urban planning, ecology and social art: all invaluable strands for interpreting, inhabiting and reimagining our city. They were guided by some very knowledgeable and generous people. Míle buíochas to Colin Rynne, Jo Goodyear, Elena Turk, Brendan O’Sullivan, Eoin Lettice and PLoT.
These walking tours are supported by the Creative Resilient Communities Grant funded by the Cork City Council through Healthy Ireland.
This KEEP WELL campaign is brought to you thanks to Healthy Ireland, an initiative of the Government of Ireland with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund and the Sláintecare fund delivered by Pobal.