Planting has begun – our Coill Bheag or ‘small, dense, biodiverse native woodland habitat’ will be introduced to the island site as Kyrl’s Quay later this Spring. An Choill Bheag is being designed and delivered in collaboration with Hometree and An Taisce’s LEAF programme.
Matt Smyth and Ray O Foghlú from Hometree are busy preparing native irish saplings and Niamh Ní Dhúill, a LEAF Officer with an Taisce is caring for the Coill Bheag’s understory. With the knowledge and commitment of Ray, Matt & Niamh we will be able to learn together about some of the key elements that are found in a native irish woodlands.
Why introduce these trees to an ecologically diverse site? We believe in the power of experience – we want to learn more about native irish species of trees and hedging plants; to see what a young woodland looks like and imagine what these young saplings and sprouts could become as they develop into a mature and dense, woodland.
Hometree “endeavours to deeply connect people with nature, and facilitates a wide variety of fundamental projects to address both Ireland’s declining biodiversity and the unfolding climate challenge.” An Tasice’s LEAF programme “encourages environmental education through awareness raising among students, teachers and the wider community.”
As the emergent ecology of Kyrl’s Quay comes into full summer blossom, the native irish trees will be cared for onsite and their buds will develop and open up to form a lush and varied canopy of native species leaves.
With your help we will find permanent homes for these trees across our city.
🖋 AC, Hometree + LEAF Ireland
📸 Hometree